Thursday, November 30, 2006
Old entry explantion
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Moved entry #18
It was 82 degrees in my yard the SHADE! I hope this is not an indicator of what's to come.
Amy and Emily are winding down their visit, they will be leaving this Thursday. We have had a great time sight seeing and getting to know each other again. Emily has thoroughly enjoyed the yard and trampoline. We have had the chance to play in the snow and the sunshine!
We visited the Calvert Marine Museum last week and got to see seahorses up close. They have a large open tank of rays and skates and we watched them for the longest. It was as though they were playing with us. One of the skates just stayed still but would wink evrytime you looked his way. We also met Bubbles and Squeak, the resident otters. Talk about playful! The museum has large collection of fossils and bones which of course intrigued Retta. She was able to talk with an archaeology volunteer who was sifting through sand from the Miocene Period, looking for snail fossils...all the kids got to bring one home.
Musa has been busily working on his spelling. He came up with an idea that we could have daily IM sessions and by doing more writing it may improve his spelling. He is even using a dictionary. It is always to insightful to watch the kids come up with their own ways of learning.
Moved entry #17
We are all slowly recovering from our house guests and viral illnesses. The last week of Amy and Emily's visit we all ended up in various stages of URI or GI illness. I am glad to be leaving it all behind.
Musa discoered an old 5th grade math testbook and is having fun working his way through the problems. It has been a fabulous confidence booster as he finds he knows much more math than he thought. He has even set up a math journal and is happily tracking his progress.
Retta is enjoying the return of her bed. She has recently been fascinated with the birth process. She watches all the "baby-story" shows on TV, asks several times a day if I will tell her birth story. We have a friend who is a doula-when Retta found out she was ecstatic. She is planning an upcoming interview. We are headed to the library to check out some new books and videos about birth.
A few weeks ago we all went to a working dog show, put on by Fidos for Freedom. They are an all volunteer organization that trains and provides hearing a mobility dogs. We discovered that I do qualify for a mobility dog and will look toward that in the future. The volunteers spent some time during the presentation shwing how they train the dogs. Musa is convinced that he can train Elwood to be a mobility assistant. He is working hard on the training but so far Elwood is not looking too promising. Bella just shows up for the treats, we have to keep telling her she is not part of the training group!!
Moved entry#16
We can honestly say that we have Eastern Bluebirds nest building and preparing to create life right in our own little yard! A few weeks ago Musa noticed a bluebird sticking her head out of one of the houses the kids built, but then they seemed to disappear. Today the happy couple were happily moving in, busily taking nesting materials into the house. We have tried for several years but we have never been able to attract them. The wooden houses and all the precious little hands that worked so hard making them...must have made the difference. What an honor.
To many people reading this post it may seem quite absurd that in this crazy hectic world full of angst and heartache...that one could get so excited about a bird. I make no apologies. Nature is my cathedral. Trees, grass, insects, wildlife and water are my children's' classroom and textbooks. I challenge anyone to write and deliver a lesson plan that would teach as much and create as much conversation and wonder as those two little beautiful birds did today. It makes it so exciting to see what tomorrow will bring.
We also have the Brown Thrashers back and I believe I saw a Cedar Waxing today. I always love this time of year. All the birds are migrating again. It is fun to see the different kinds stop by the feeders. The Brown Thrashers have these enormous beaks, I love to see them drink water.The yard came alive today with big bumble bees, butterflies and moths. Spiders are crawling about, the trees are blooming....our eyes are itching. We spent the last several days digging in the garden, planted a whole garden box full of different sunflowers, planted our red and green lettuce, kale, brocolli and brussel sprouts. We are going to spend our rewards certificate from the local nursery and plant some berry bushes.
The cycle of the seasons continues on...
Moved entry #15

We met Anna in DC and visited the Botanical Gardens. There was a coffee exibit we wanted to see and this would be our first trip to the Gardens. I must say it was truly beautiful. I was afraid the kids might find the whole thing boring..but they actually had a great time. All of the orchids were blooming and were just stunning.
The coffe exibit was so well done. It is a black and white photo journal of the coffee farms and growers around the world. Stunning photography...he managed to capture the souls of these people...although done in B&W it was as though you could smell the regions. I was particularly taken with the Guatemala pictures, of course.
After wandering through the gardens we walked over to the Native American Museum to have lunch...what a fun place with great food. The menu is geared toward the regions of North America Indian's and the foods they harvested. Fabulous eating in front of a large cascading fountain.
The subway ride home during rush hours is always as interesting as the rest of the day. Didn't know if I was going to make it to the truck, about 200 yeards away my legs almost gave out. I managed to get there with Musa and Retta chanting, "Just keep walking, Just keep walking." I was very happy to sit down.
I am so glad we did this. It has provided me with a few more images to escape to in my head when I need to get away from the real world.
Moved entry #14

So much to blog and so little time............
Retta showed up at the kitchen table this morning with her bicycle helmet on her head, a notebook and an ink pen. "Mom, how do you spell, precious?" She wrote it down in the notebook. "Okay, spell tiger." "Now, spell nominate." This went on until she had a long list of words. She sometimes does this most of the day. She has a notebook almost filled with words. She says she is learning to read..."first I have to know how to spell all the words, then I will know how to read them." I resist the temptation to try to "teach" her to read. I know she is capable of doing this on her own and it is a fascinating process to watch unfold.
I asked her about the bicycle helmet and she said she was wearing it, "Because it is comfortable." She asked me if she wore it to school would the teacher make her take it off. I told her I couldn't say for sure, but most likely she would be told to remove it. To which she replied..
"Mom. I would hate that, I need more choices, even though I am small, I am a human and all humans need choices. If my life feels better one day because of a helmet, then I need to make that choice. How could you make that choice for don't know what is inside of me. If I need to do art, right at this moment, then I should be able to do art! I know when it is right. I would hate school for not letting me do art when I want, or if I needed to stop a minute and hang my head upside down on a chair...sometimes that is the only way my world looks normal...people should have more choices."
I replied that I agreed.
Musa commented on the spelling issue relating he needed to learn how to read the words first and then learn to spell. (which he is working on lately) It makes no sense to him the way Retta is approaching reading. He did remark how great it is that they have both had the freedom to learn it their own ways.
Moved entry #13
That is why I say, "Duckie!
Don't grumble! Don't stew!
some critters are much-much,
oh, ever so much-much,
so muchly much-much more unlucky than you!"
Dr. Suess
Moved entry #12

Meet Cooper. The newest addition to our family. He is an 8 month old terrier/wolfhound mix. He had been sheltered for 4 months and fostered for a month. I stopped by Petco as I do frequently and they always have the adoption tables out. I always walk by without looking. A little kitten caught my eye that was in a cage sitting on top of a card table. I walked away telling myself a FIRM, "No Ronda!"....Cooper peeked his eyes out from under the table. He was shivering and so timid. The shelter staff said although they have no history it was quite clear he had been badly abused. They had never seen him wag his tail. I talked with him a bit and wished him the best, and proceeded on into the store to buy live crikets for Retta's lizard, Squiggles..(another soon to be caught up on entry). Of course the dog haunted me throughout the store. I was kids begging for the dog...just my own thoughts.
When I came out of the store, Cooper came out from under the table and sat by me. I walked him for a bit ad he came right with me. He wouldn't wag his tail, but he did perk up his ears a bit.
It was a done deal. He hopped in the truck like he belonged. It was quite a surprise when I came home. Everyone was thrilled!
He spent the first day hiding in the corner of the living room. The second day in the family room behind the chair. The third day he was home. Running happily all over the house with that tail a wagging like crazy. No problems with the other dogs whatsoever. Elwood and him play great together and Bella is sooo relived to have Elwood out of her hair.
He is still a little timid and doesn't seem to get what it means to have affection...he seemed afraid of treats at he is accepting them. He is completely housetrained, is super on a leash...for a rescue dog he is really quite free of issues.
We gave the dog to Musa, he keeps in his room at night and is responsible for all of his care. We thought they may be able to help each other with confidence, patience and gentleness far so good.
The name Cooper, comes from one of Musa's favorite PS2 games, Sly Cooper.
Moved entry# 9

Initially unschooling was so exciting and so mind blowing that I couldn't wait to get to the computer to "make the case" point out all the ways it was justify, I guess, to myself and the world that it was working. I could document all these moments throughout the day that I saw learning taking place without curriculums or agendas and I couldn't wait to prove my point.
I think what has happened is that need to prove is gone. I have such a deep trust in my soul that this is the right path for our feels so natural and right.....I have come to a place whereas it seems a little silly to make the point. IT JUST IS. I am so in love with our days and our experiences, I just want to live them. Theneed to review the day and see if "natural"..."self-directed"...learning has taken place and all the subjects are covered, no longer exists.
I TRUST....I trust our path, I trust my children to know what they need, and I finally trust myself.
So..where does this leave the blog.....oh, I will still blog, but the style may change a little. Sadly, this blog is my, *DOCUMENTATION* to the government that my children are receiving, "regular and thorough instruction" it must go on. I may at the end of each entry list the subject correlation for all the governmental fools that can't figure out unschooling, and always want to see worksheets. It will be fun...kinda of a smart-ass sort of portfolio. This way..I get what I want and need in a blog and they get what they require of me.
Todays lesson (picture)....Retta reading a book to Elwood about the Human Body, she was explaining to him how human babies are born.
Science...Language Arts...Animal Care...Social Studies.
Moved entry #8

At the end of June we took a cabin camping trip to Point Lookout State Park. Shirah was here from Seattle and Anna came along. What is now Point Lookout Park was a fort and hospital during the Civil War and there is a high number of ghost sightings. In fact, the Forest Rangers are required to keep records of ghost sightings.
We had a great little cabin, complete with air-conditioning and electricity.
We didn't see ghost but we did see the two resident raccoons, Ricky and Lucy and a little red fox. There were ghost sightings rumored around cabin 6, but we can't confirm or deny.
This trip healed my soul in ways I will never be able to articulate completely in words. I laughed like I have not laughed in years. I laughed so hard I wasn't sure if I was laughing or grieving. I was connected to those beautiful babies of mine. To sit at the picnic table and see my Anna and Shirah there sit in the ocean as each wave that splashed over my head healed my soul. The only thing missing was Amy and Emily.
What a trip..smores, Corona (stop it) hot dogs and all!
science, birding, animal observing, sea studies, fire, language arts, storytelling, social studies, physical education, cooking, math (how many roasted marshmellows can a family eat-estimating)
Moved entry#7
04 July 2006

Retta received her first hand-clapping tutorial from the Masters....her big sisters.
Miss Mary Mack, Mack ,Mack
All dressed in black, black, black,
All down her back, back, back
She asked her mother, mother, mother,
For fifty cents, cents, cents,
Jump over the fence, fence, fence,
He jumped so high, high, high,
'Till the end of July, 'ly, 'ly.
Language Arts, Social Studies, History, Music, Laughter.
Moved enrty#7
05 July 2006

We have had newborn Black-capped chickadees, Carolinas Wrens, Downy Woodpeckers, Red-Bellied Woodpeckers, Eastern Bluebirds, Cardinals, Blue Jays, numerous types of finches. The above picture is some very newly hatched Black-capped chickadees.
Most of the babies are teenager now and getting around quite well. It was wonderful to watch the fledglings stage, as they were just learning to fly. There were many near mid-air collisions. They are so clumsy.
Musa and Retta can both identify most all the birds by name. It is always exciting to see a new or migrating bird and watch them run to the identification book. Retta even knows many of the birds by their calls.
We have been able to watch the entire life cycle of theses birds, up close and personal. There is something very fabulous about touching a newborn little bird.
We have our bat house up, but so far no bats have moved in. I understand it can take several years sometimes. The toad huts are all working well, we have many toads, and our new lizard habit is attracting many. We have seen more Skinks, but some orange headed lizards also.
Today Musa and Retta are both ill. Musa is headed to the doctor tomorrow as he has an ear infection. It was a day filled with PS2, movies, mindless TV and popsicles.
science, language arts, math (counting eggs), health,rest,healing.
Moved entry #5

I had an ear infection and it hurt really bad. My ear canal was completely swollen shut and the bone behind my ear was infected too.
I imagined there were two armies fighting a war on infection. One was the medicine and one was the white cells and they had a war and my army won, finally.
Later, Mom and I were looking in a human body book and we read a paragraph that described how white cells work as armies. I also learned how important it is to keep my army strong and powerful.
It is good to be feeling better.
posted by Musa
Moved entry #3
Moved entry#2
Is it truly possible that I have not made an entry since July? This really does shake me up a bit, and reminds me to take a second look at the area of my life that keeps me away from the things I love, this journal being one of them.
The last couple months have been busy, many changes taking place. On one hand I have legitimate excuses for not taking the time to keep up entries, but on the other hand it saddens me that these enormous changes and events have not been recorded. Something for me to stop and ponder. I have become more dedicated to learning and practicing the power of intention in my life. Mindfulness has become a natural part of my life vs. a sought after goal. Stopping to spend 2 hours watching an ant universe with Retta, doesn't always allow time for blogging.
I have recovered a lost relationship with my mother which has proved to be beautiful in every sense of the word. We laugh so much. I used to hide from her phone calls or take hours to recover from one, leaving me exhausted and writhing in emotional pain. Now..I don't want to hang up. She has said some things that have healed me so deeply. Old wounds that I forgot existed have disappeared... scars and all. I have had the opportunity to thank her for caring for me through my 1970 surgery. She cared for me lying flat in a body cast for a year..bed pan...changing kotex..the whole bit...for ONE year, all the while dealing with a womanizing husband, pending divorce and failing self-owned business. I no longer wonder where my strength comes from. It runs deep in the veins of the women of this family. I am pleased to have this time with her, free of guilt that I lost many years. They were in fact not lost years at all...but a necessary absence that makes this current relationship possible. It is just as it should be.
We have also made a decision to relocate to Boise, Idaho. After much research and soul search we have landed in Boise. We will be placing the house on the market in the spring and hope to be in Boise by summer. Butch and I have worked out some issues in our marriage and I am feeling more positive every day. We alsolaugh a lot more.
Idaho is a "free state." I do not even have to register my children with the school district in order to homeschool. No questions. Total freedom. I am so excited.
So as you see we are still here, unschooling away. Embracing unschooling more naturally every day. It happens in spite of me, so I release. I still have my moments, but my trust is much deeper.
I will spend a few posts in the next several days catching up on some of our adventures, projects, travels and breakthroughs.
we don't care for tests. We don't
Old entries moved from other blog #1

Another successful Halloween. Yes, those are Musa's real teeth...he is terrible with oral care. Retta looked amazing in her pretty blonde wig and was soooo happy she got to wear lipstick.
The trick or treating went well, followed by the annual drive through haunted house at the local volunteer fire department. Retta ended up on my lap in the front seat after a monster tried to crawl through the back window. Once on my lap a rather scary looking thing approached our windowholding a bloody arm..she asked Retta rather nicely..."I have an arm, but I need a leg, could I have yours?"......Retta quickly replied, "No, but my brother is in the backseat...ask him!"
Nothing like ratin' out your own brother on Halloween!!!!!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
I know, I know, I know
Alright, I know I am a big sell out. I just hated the eblogger website. I found it unfriendly to use and I think that is why I just stopped using it. So....I will put up with AOL's least they added the blurb about endorsement.
So note the address change......I am back. I may.... if I get energetic....move all the eblogger pages here in a summary form.
I miss comments!!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Hate Advertisments
Venus Fly Traps and Woodpeckers
I received an unexpected royalty check from Around the Family Table, so Musa and I took a trip to the local nursery.
We got a Venus Fly Trap and we have had a blast feeding it. We like to tickle it with a feather and watch it close, then wait, as it takes about 8 hours to open again. We fed one of the traps a piece of meat and we are watching to see how long it takes to digest. So far it has been closed for two days.
I purchased two new woodpecker feeders. I have Hairy and Downy woodpeckers and have been wanting to attract the Red-bellied and the Pileated. We put one next to the other bird feeders and one on the deck. My goodness I couldn't even count the birds this morning. There must have been 10 Finches! I guess they like the woodpecker food! As Musa and I were observing the birds a big rabbit ran across the yard and into the bush. We were pretty sure we had bunnies around but hadn't seen one. We can add that to the list of animals in our backyard habitat.
Today was cold and damp, but the weather has been unseasonably warm. We are observing every day and taking notes to compare changes in the environment from previous years. For instance, we are seeing more insects than usual this time of year.
The edges of a Venus Flytrap leaf are equipped with teeth-like spikes, while the inside has red glands that attract insects.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Simple Treasures
We went to Michael's craft store on Friday to spend our gift cards from Christmas. What fun!!
I bought scrapbooking supplies and tools that I have been admiring for some time but could not justify buying. I use most of them to make my "altered books." I discovered how much I adore little embellishments. It made me so happy to go through my bag and put all my little goodies away.
Retta bought two really cool ALEX brand bathtub crafts. There is the fingerpaint, with suction cupped pallet that fits onto the tile and the bathtub playdough with it's own floating work-desk. She is in a current state of bliss taking 5-6 baths a day. She also picked out a bag of bright yellow feathers, two electric purple feather boa's, 3 princess crowns and embelishments to add to the crowns. She spent at least 30 minutes looking through the scrapbooking paper and picked out 3 pieces.
Musa went straight fro the beads. He bought a beading tray, some beading needles, and several packages of beads and some charms. He also picked out a paint by number Tiger and a pine derby model car which he has to sand, paint and decal. His Uncle Randy gave him an airbrush for Christmas and he is excited to use it.
The weather turned cold and windy this weekend which gave us good reason to stay indoors and play with all our new goodies.
Ahhh..the simple pleasures of life.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
We have been enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures. The thermometer on the barn read 71 degrees yesterday. Simply amazing for this time of year. A little cooler today but still warm. Because of this we have enjoyed two days of outdoor activities.
Yesterday we needed to drop off our wooden bluebird houses we made to place in a local park. We decided to stop by the park on the way home and ended up staying for several hours. Musa had his bike in the truck so he had a blast riding the trails. Retta discovered the sand....need I say more. She found a few bugs which she carefully set free.
Today it was just fun around the yard. We actually dug in the garden a least it felt like spring. Musa mastered his bike ramp. When we came in Musa worked on his spelling project. He has decided he wants to be able to spell. He reads very well but has trouble putting words on paper. I encouraged him and told him it would be much easier now that he is older. He proved me right and it has really boosted his self confidence. Retta has been working on an on-going project of dragging a 15 foot tree branch, tied up with a rope around the yard. It takes all of her strength to pull this thing. We have found it tied to various things around the yard.
Retta is teaching herself how to read and spell. I asked her one day if she wanted any help and she politely declined, "I think I can handle it." She frequently asks me how to spell words or what sound a certain letter makes. The other day she wrote the letters, O-L-E-N, and turned the O into a colorful alien looking creature. She the presented it to me and said, "See I don't need help, this is how you spell alien!"
We wound down the day under our new down blankets, snuggled into cozy beds. When I woke up Musa was hammering in the garage and muttering something about duc tape, a flashlight and his bicycle. He cooked himself dinner. Retta had popcorn for dinner and I had a Chai latte. Don't know what diet that would be called but it all tasted good in the cool of the evening.
Musa turned in early, tired from all the bike ramping. Retta has been playing with clay, playing with her Kids of Catan game. She watched Little House on the Prairie and is nowtying her shoes around her ankles and trying to walk. Hmm....
A peaceful, non-hurried, calm and loving day. I must be the luckiest woman on the face of the Earth!
Monday, January 9, 2006
Defining Love
Retta just approached me and said..."Mom I love you a lot... but there is one thing I love more than you"......I asked her what that was and she answered........."Electricity!"
Sunday, January 8, 2006
Bigger than life thank-you's
As we begin to settle back into some sort of a routine I wanted to take a minute and thank my wonderful family for the beautiful Christmas Gifts...the best present of all, as usual, the memories.
Thanks to Aunt Carla for the cool magazine subscriptions for Musa and Retta. Thanks to Amy, Emily and Jim for the cool hats, necklaces, clothes, gameboy game, and very wonderful hand made Teddy Bear. (You rock Emily) Thanks to Anna for the weather station, the VERY cool dinosaur book and clothing.(and for those yummy little frosting filled they were good!) Thanks to Shirah for the neat travel mugs that never arrived, we feel them in spirit! (knowing this family they will show up next Christmas)
Mostly, thanks for all the conversations, great food, wine, coffee (thanks Anna for the Barista machine!!!)..that makes each Christmas unique.
Our love to all.
Sunday, January 1, 2006
Happy New Year
We are back and getting into our non-holiday mode. We had a nice Christmas with family, good eats and great gifts. I will explain some of the gifts in more detail in future posts.
This has been a year of real discovery. I believe we are finally settling into a lifestyle of natural learning that works well for us. I feel calm and confident with our choices. Musa and Retta are thriving and seem so happy.
I am confident of one thing as I enter into this year.....(on March 14th of this year, I will have been a Mom for 30 years)....I will always be learning and growing as a Mom and as a person and as a family. I will face new challenges. I will climb emotional mountains. I will keep my body moving. I will keep my mind open. I will laugh. I will grieve. I will throw my arms in the air and give up at least twice. I will fight for my minority rights. I will love. I will observe. I will be exhausted. I will nap. I will speak out against injustice. I will ask questions. I will not care what is going on in the world for at least 5 days. I will write. I will sew. I will be mindful. I will gossip. I will argue. I will enjoy a doughnut. I will play loud music. I will rake. I will learn. I will listen. I will sit...I will do what I love best, I will be a Mom.
I wish kindness, compassion and joy to all in the coming year.