Meet Cooper. The newest addition to our family. He is an 8 month old terrier/wolfhound mix. He had been sheltered for 4 months and fostered for a month. I stopped by Petco as I do frequently and they always have the adoption tables out. I always walk by without looking. A little kitten caught my eye that was in a cage sitting on top of a card table. I walked away telling myself a FIRM, "No Ronda!"....Cooper peeked his eyes out from under the table. He was shivering and so timid. The shelter staff said although they have no history it was quite clear he had been badly abused. They had never seen him wag his tail. I talked with him a bit and wished him the best, and proceeded on into the store to buy live crikets for Retta's lizard, Squiggles..(another soon to be caught up on entry). Of course the dog haunted me throughout the store. I was alone...no kids begging for the dog...just my own thoughts.
When I came out of the store, Cooper came out from under the table and sat by me. I walked him for a bit ad he came right with me. He wouldn't wag his tail, but he did perk up his ears a bit.
It was a done deal. He hopped in the truck like he belonged. It was quite a surprise when I came home. Everyone was thrilled!
He spent the first day hiding in the corner of the living room. The second day in the family room behind the chair. The third day he was home. Running happily all over the house with that tail a wagging like crazy. No problems with the other dogs whatsoever. Elwood and him play great together and Bella is sooo relived to have Elwood out of her hair.
He is still a little timid and doesn't seem to get what it means to have affection...he seemed afraid of treats at first..now he is accepting them. He is completely housetrained, is super on a leash...for a rescue dog he is really quite free of issues.
We gave the dog to Musa, he keeps in his room at night and is responsible for all of his care. We thought they may be able to help each other with confidence, patience and gentleness issues....so far so good.
The name Cooper, comes from one of Musa's favorite PS2 games, Sly Cooper.
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