Monday, January 23, 2006

Venus Fly Traps and Woodpeckers

I received an unexpected royalty check from Around the Family Table, so Musa and I took a trip to the local nursery.

We got a Venus Fly Trap and we have had a blast feeding it. We like to tickle it with a feather and watch it close, then wait, as it takes about 8 hours to open again. We fed one of the traps a piece of meat and we are watching to see how long it takes to digest. So far it has been closed for two days.

I purchased two new woodpecker feeders. I have Hairy and Downy woodpeckers and have been wanting to attract the Red-bellied and the Pileated. We put one next to the other bird feeders and one on the deck. My goodness I couldn't even count the birds this morning. There must have been 10 Finches! I guess they like the woodpecker food! As Musa and I were observing the birds a big rabbit ran across the yard and into the bush. We were pretty sure we had bunnies around but hadn't seen one. We can add that to the list of animals in our backyard habitat.

Today was cold and damp, but the weather has been unseasonably warm. We are observing every day and taking notes to compare changes in the environment from previous years. For instance, we are seeing more insects than usual this time of year.


                                       The edges of a Venus Flytrap leaf are equipped with teeth-like spikes, while the inside has red glands that attract insects.

The edges of a Venus Flytrap leaf are equipped with teeth-like spikes, while the inside has red glands that attract insects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cool i love venus fly traps they are so intreeging and wonderful!