Saturday, March 12, 2005


The sprouts are up!!! Retta was so excited when she woke up and checked her plants.

We are planning a garden with the square foot design, and we are going to try it on a hill, in sort of a terraced fashion. We are hoping this will work better for me because of my limited bending abilities.

We will document the progress along the way.


Anonymous said...

that is so cool....I'd like to make one on the side of my house. what kind of temp do they need? it gets pretty hot here....shade ? lots os sun?....

Anonymous said...

I was reading some journals and I couldn't beleive I came across yours!  I really enjoy reading your unschooling journal, it's great!  I've just started one on aol for us, you can view it if you'd like by going to journal search and typing in wehomeschool4.  

Great journal and keep up the nice work!

From your friend, Tisha (owner of the homeschoolingpenpals Yahoo group) :)