Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Flint, God and Globes

Musa and I had a long discussion about God today. He is getting so much older and his awareness of issues is really changing. He was trying to decide if 'God' took on a human form, if God was male or female, if there is a God, where does he 'live' and so on. The only thing he said he was sure of is that God controlled the weather. I resisted the urge to share my beliefs. I would certainly share them if asked, but he didn't ask...he was just sharing, and in his sharing I could see he was making new discoveries..."I don't really think God has a human form, so if he isn't human then he doesn't  live in the clouds"....he finally ended up telling me that he thinks all things are interconnected and that he sometimes thinks of God as a energy....and then he he struck on the idea that if everything is connected and we all come from the same source, then we all really depend on each othe. Then he wasn't so sure anymore if "God" controlled the weather. As Musa was talking I reflected on my own childhood and the similar questions I wondered about, and how "Church" did nothing but confuse me more. It was great to see him wrestle with some of these ideas. I was pleased I had the insight to keep my mouth shut, unless asked.

We got our flint kit in the mail the other day and spent a good hour trying to make a fire. We didn't even get so much as a spark. I ended up with a bloody finger but no spark. We laughed so hard....we would freeze to death for sure if we had to light a fire with flint. We are determined though...we will have fire.

Retta busied herself as usual with paint, glue, playdoh and string. String is important right now, she has almost everything in the house tied up in one fashion or another. The kitchen cabinets are tied together, most of the door knobs are tied with string. She also has been spending a lot of time measuring eveything in the house with her measuring tape, and even tied the measuring tape to the stair railing.

Tonight she brought the globe to her Dad and started "teaching" him. She would spin the globe and say, "This is America..Dad say, A--mer--i--ca"  Dad would say America and she would say, "Good job."  The she would spin the globe again and test hisknowledge again. She told us the blue color on the globe represented snow, and the orange continent (Asia) was where they grew oranges. She looked all over the globe until she found the letters that spell her name and the proclaimed, "See this country is Loretta!"

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