Saturday, September 18, 2004

Where does you food come from?

We did a spur of the moment trip to our favorite U-Pick farm in Virginia on Friday. Anna was here visiting for a few days so we had her along which was great fun. We picked red rasberries, and I bought peaches and apples. I canned the peaches today and am making applesauce and apple pie filling and will can it tomorrow.

I think it is so important for kids to see first hand where their food comes from.  Musa has been quite interested in the idea of preserving food and the different methods used before refrigeration.

We watched a National Geo. documentary tonight about Lewis and Clark and Musa was fascinated. He becomes very upset that we took this country away from the Native Americans. It is hard to explain. I don't understand it myself. How can a nation celebrate it's beginning when it was taken unjustly. Seems like we good Americans just can't stop taking what isn't ours.

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