Friday, September 24, 2004

Loretta's Big Day

I got a call last night from my good friend Jen, who asked if Retta could go with her and her children to see Sesame Street Live in Baltimore. Her 8 year old daughter Rachael did not want to go so we swapped kids for the day. Retta's best friend is Mary (Jen's 3 year old), and Rachael and Musa are good friends.

This was Loretta first day away from Mama, unless with big sisters or Daddy. I was a little concerned but she really wanted to go. She had to get up a 6 am and get ready and as you can see in the picture she was soo excited. She was so happy she got to pack a lunch.

They got home about 3 pm--a big day---and she was so happy. She was in her P.J's voluntarily and asleep by 6 pm.

Musa and Rachael and I had a great day. It was great having a girl around to converse with. Jen's three girls remind me alot of Amy, Shirah and Anna when they were young.

We don't normally have school on Friday's, so this worked out well. A good day for all! Actually, I think Jen drew the short straw. Three little ones in a car to Baltimore and sitting through a Sesame Street Concert... I owe her one!!! 

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