Monday, January 23, 2006

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Venus Fly Traps and Woodpeckers

I received an unexpected royalty check from Around the Family Table, so Musa and I took a trip to the local nursery.

We got a Venus Fly Trap and we have had a blast feeding it. We like to tickle it with a feather and watch it close, then wait, as it takes about 8 hours to open again. We fed one of the traps a piece of meat and we are watching to see how long it takes to digest. So far it has been closed for two days.

I purchased two new woodpecker feeders. I have Hairy and Downy woodpeckers and have been wanting to attract the Red-bellied and the Pileated. We put one next to the other bird feeders and one on the deck. My goodness I couldn't even count the birds this morning. There must have been 10 Finches! I guess they like the woodpecker food! As Musa and I were observing the birds a big rabbit ran across the yard and into the bush. We were pretty sure we had bunnies around but hadn't seen one. We can add that to the list of animals in our backyard habitat.

Today was cold and damp, but the weather has been unseasonably warm. We are observing every day and taking notes to compare changes in the environment from previous years. For instance, we are seeing more insects than usual this time of year.


                                       The edges of a Venus Flytrap leaf are equipped with teeth-like spikes, while the inside has red glands that attract insects.

The edges of a Venus Flytrap leaf are equipped with teeth-like spikes, while the inside has red glands that attract insects.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Simple Treasures

We went to Michael's craft store on Friday to spend our gift cards from Christmas. What fun!!

I bought scrapbooking supplies and tools that I have been admiring for some time but could not justify buying. I use most of them to make my "altered books." I discovered how much I adore little embellishments. It made me so happy to go through my bag and put all my little goodies away.

Retta bought two really cool ALEX brand bathtub crafts. There is the fingerpaint, with suction cupped pallet that fits onto the tile and the bathtub playdough with it's own floating work-desk. She is in a current state of bliss taking 5-6 baths a day. She also picked out a bag of bright yellow feathers, two electric purple feather boa's, 3 princess crowns and embelishments to add to the crowns. She spent at least 30 minutes looking through the scrapbooking paper and picked out 3 pieces.

Musa went straight fro the beads. He bought a beading tray, some beading needles, and several packages of beads and some charms. He also picked out a paint by number Tiger and a pine derby model car which he has to sand, paint and decal. His Uncle Randy gave him an airbrush for Christmas and he is excited to use it.

The weather turned cold and windy this weekend which gave us good reason to stay indoors and play with all our new goodies.

Ahhh..the simple pleasures of life



Tuesday, January 10, 2006


We have been enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures. The thermometer on the barn read 71 degrees yesterday. Simply amazing for this time of year. A little cooler today but still warm. Because of this we have enjoyed two days of outdoor activities.

Yesterday we needed to drop off our wooden bluebird houses we made to place in a local park. We decided to stop by the park on the way home and ended up staying for several hours. Musa had his bike in the truck so he had a blast riding the trails. Retta discovered the sand....need I say more. She found a few bugs which she carefully set free.

Today it was just fun around the yard. We actually dug in the garden a least it felt like spring. Musa mastered his bike ramp. When we came in Musa worked on his spelling project. He has decided he wants to be able to spell. He reads very well but has trouble putting words on paper. I encouraged him and told him it would be much easier now that he is older. He proved me right and it has really boosted his self confidence. Retta has been working on an on-going project of dragging a 15 foot tree branch, tied up with a rope around the yard. It takes all of her strength to pull this thing. We have found it tied to various things around the yard.

Retta is teaching herself how to read and spell. I asked her one day if she wanted any help and she politely declined, "I think I can handle it." She frequently asks me how to spell words or what sound a certain letter makes. The other day she wrote the letters, O-L-E-N, and turned the O into a colorful alien looking creature. She the presented it to me and said, "See I don't need help, this is how you spell alien!"

We wound down the day under our new down blankets, snuggled into cozy beds. When I woke up Musa was hammering in the garage and muttering something about duc tape, a flashlight and his bicycle. He cooked himself dinner. Retta had popcorn for dinner and I had a Chai latte. Don't know what diet that would be called but it all tasted good in the cool of the evening.

Musa turned in early, tired from all the bike ramping. Retta has been playing with clay, playing with her Kids of Catan game. She watched Little House on the Prairie and is nowtying her shoes around her ankles and trying to walk. Hmm....

A peaceful, non-hurried, calm and loving day. I must be the luckiest woman on the face of the Earth!


Monday, January 9, 2006

Defining Love

Retta just approached me and said..."Mom I love you a lot... but there is one thing I love more than you"......I asked her what that was and she answered........."Electricity!"


                                electricity.gif - (2K)


Sunday, January 8, 2006

Bigger than life thank-you's

As we begin to settle back into some sort of a routine I wanted to take a minute and thank my wonderful family for the beautiful Christmas Gifts...the best present of all, as usual, the memories.

Thanks to Aunt Carla for the cool magazine subscriptions for Musa and Retta. Thanks to Amy, Emily and Jim for the cool hats, necklaces, clothes, gameboy game, and very wonderful hand made Teddy Bear. (You rock Emily) Thanks to Anna for the weather station, the VERY cool dinosaur book and clothing.(and for those yummy little frosting filled they were good!) Thanks to Shirah for the neat travel mugs that never arrived, we feel them in spirit! (knowing this family they will show up next Christmas)

Mostly, thanks for all the conversations, great food, wine, coffee (thanks Anna for the Barista machine!!!)..that makes each Christmas unique.

Our love to all.


Sunday, January 1, 2006

Happy New Year


We are back and getting into our non-holiday mode. We had a nice Christmas with family, good eats and great gifts. I will explain some of the gifts in more detail in future posts.

This has been a year of real discovery. I believe we are finally settling into a lifestyle of natural learning that works well for us. I feel calm and confident with our choices. Musa and Retta are thriving and seem so happy.

I am confident of one thing as I enter into this year.....(on March 14th of this year, I will have been a Mom for 30 years)....I will always be learning and growing as a Mom and as a person and as a family. I will face new challenges. I will climb emotional mountains. I will keep my body moving. I will keep my mind open. I will laugh. I will grieve. I will throw my arms in the air and give up at least twice. I will fight for my minority rights. I will love. I will observe. I will be exhausted. I will nap. I will speak out against injustice. I will ask questions. I will not care what is going on in the world for at least 5 days. I will write. I will sew. I will be mindful. I will gossip. I will argue. I will enjoy a doughnut. I will play loud music. I will rake. I will learn. I will listen. I will sit...I will do what I love best, I will be a Mom.

I wish kindness, compassion and joy to all in the coming year.