Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Pictures

Trick or Treat was a hit. Lots of candy, fog machines and scary sounds. After trick or treating we drove thru the Haunted Firehouse. It is soooo scary. I swore they wouldn't get me this year, but they had two chain saws, I was expecting the one from the passenger side, but they got me from the drivers side. Too funny.

I thought Retta was gonna poop her pants when the crazed machine gun monster came at her. It sounded like a real machine gun. Musa of course, just wanted to borrow the gun.

Another successful Halloween. I realized tonight I have been doing Halloween and costumes for 29 years....and I have at least 7 more to go.

                                 bat.gif - (7K)bat.gif - (7K)

Please Help Us

Pre Halloween

The above plant is called the Dog Bur Bush...also called Beggars Lice, Glovewort, Sheeplice or Woolmat. Avoid this plant if you have animals. This time of year they are brown and all the brumbles lie over on the ground.

We have been busy today preparing for our Trick or Treating adventure tonight. I will be sure and post final costumes tomorrow. No jack-o-lanterns this year. We went to take the dogs for a riverwalk yesterday and then on to the pumpkin farm, but we had a dog emergency and had to come home. Elwood got into a bur bush, REAL BAD. They embedded into his beard, all up into his fur around his nose, his eyes, his ears and his front legs. I have never seen burs this bad on a dog. He was crying so hard. We had to zoom home and spent several hours with Elwood on the kitchen table cutting burs out. Our hands were stinging so bad from all the thorns, his poor skin was so inflammed. Those darn things caught in that hair of his like crazy. I cried I felt so bad for him. So....needless to say. No pumpkins.

We read a great scary story and then just hung out talking about things that scare us. Musa made up a great Halloween story about a bloody woman with 5 gunshot wounds. (the whole gun and gunshot thing runs in the family, doesn't it Carla)

Retta has been in a engineering phase. Has been giving the legos a real workout. I sat them out to get ready to sell on eBay as Musa doesn't use them much anymore and Retta took over. She has been in a building frenzy. Dance is also very big in her world right now, she puts on several shows a day.

Musa and I have been playing lots of Skip-bo. He is REALLY good. I just keep losing.

We are off to Trick or Treat....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

River Walk

Great blue heronWe went for a river walk this morning (with Anna who is here for a visit) and saw a big Great Blue Heron. We were able to get quite close to him and twice saw him fly over the river. They are such lovely birds to watch fly and they stand they so still and quiet.

They appear so peaceful.

                                   Great day.  

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Defining unschooling

Public blogs and Yahoo groups make for interesting company at times. Many of us keep public blogs and I think it's fair to say that most folks who homeschool belong to at least one, if not a dozen or more yahoo (or similar) type email groups. Something that seemed odd and unnecessary in my life two years ago now is commonplace and accepted.

I started this blog as a way to document our homeschooling days. I liked the idea and ease of an on-line journal vs. a cut and paste scrapbook kind of thing that seemed quite time consuming. It also became important when our path lead to unschooling. There were suddenly no worksheets or book reports that could be placed in a binder and used as proof of our educational progress. Blogging was a fast and easy way to document our unschooling days. The on-line journal fit nicely into our new lifestyle as did several new yahoo discussion groups related to the unschooling philosophy.

The decision to go public with the journal was a selfish one on my part. Having a large family with adult children and extended family scattered across the nation, it provided an easy way of sharing information without repeating myself silly. I also hoped it would broaden knowledge and understanding of homeschooling. I didn't imagine at the time that the journal would be read by complete strangers who would also leave comments, nor could I have imagined that the AOL journal editor would select my journal as the #3 pick a few months back, multiplying the amount of regular readers. As I became more comfortable with going public, I started adding my blog link to my email signatures. Clearly, all these factors lead to a larger audience and I reassured myself that I was comfortable with this exposure. After all…perhaps I could help newcomers with my experiences.

A similar journey occurred when I joined several Yahoo unschooling/homeschooling discussion groups. My initial desire was to connect to likeminded individuals who shared a similar educational path. A secondary hope was to learn about the success and failures of unschooling, and finally I was hoping for another dimension of blogging. I envisioned a three dimensional journal of sorts that would allow the education and connection I desired, but also provide dialogue and support. It sounded perfect. It is remarkable to look back and remember where I thought all of this blogging and e-listing would take me and where instead I have landed. We humans tend to have grandiose preconceived notions of where our selected journeys will take us, and often predetermine our lessons before they even unfold.This journey has been full of surprises.

The biggest surprise with the journal going public was the dishonesty by omission aspect. I discovered my own coward ness when it came to sharing the dark moments that occurred along the road. My unschooling journey didn’t come pre-packaged with a white light overhead that enlightened us with calm and purposeful understanding of our new world. We did stumble across these moments in the early days that were full of promise and with time they have become much more commonplace, but they were not instantaneous. What seemed much more commonplace was the struggle of letting go, the anxiety of embarking on such unchartered territory, the daily wrestling matches with Mother Guilt, that perhaps I had made the wrong decision. The hardest was the less frequent but very powerful “psycho-mommy” moments when the guilt, fear and insecurities would blow out of my soul like a tornado carrying raw raging emotion destroying even the faintest white light in the distance. None of this was recorded.  The saddest part of these omissions is the value of their testimonies. I can only speculate that writing my way through the dark moments of this journey could have hastened my healing, and I would certainly like to believe that those honest, real entries could have aided others as they embarked on their life paths. It seemed at the time the stakes, whether real or imagined, were just too high to be that honest.

There has been a similar experience with Yahoo email discussion groups. There seems to be a “share the best of our day” quality to many of the lists. This is not entirely a bad thing, goodness comes from sharing goodness. It was helpful to hear the experiences of others, but if left me wondering if perhaps I was failing miserably.  There are many posts that relate to the frustrations, the struggles, the guilt and wondering associated with unschooling but they most often are presented in lovely calm and sophisticated, orderly manner. These posts are not without merit, I have learned from them, the problem is my frustrations, guilt and struggles have never been that orderly. My meltdowns are usually quite unsophisticated, unruly, loud and disturbing. I don’t remember many of them following mandated guidelines, and at least four of them have bordered on insanity.  They all without exception have been conducted in all CAPS. While many unschooling families take pride in allowing their children total freedom in their world we do not allow the same freedom to each other. All the unschooling lists I know of have “guidelines” or rules that members must follow. There are certain types of posts that are not allowed and breaking the rules often leads to a type of “punishment” such as being placed on moderated status. This has always seemed to be in direct contradiction to the principles in which we raise our children.

My blog says that I want to share, “the good and the bad. the happy and the sad…the failures”….I haven’t done that. I have picked the good, the precious, the witty, and the happy. Nor, have I ever taken any of the dark moments to any of the discussion/support lists. It has been too darn intimidating to put those dark moments out there. It seems to me that it is only safe if you post the cleaned up, watered down version…the sophisticated version. Sadly, for me…by the time my darkness becomes sophisticated it is old news, usually solved and no longer needs to be hashed out. That in and of itself is not a bad thing, but it doesn’t address the loneliness, the isolation, the feeling that I am the only home/unschooling Mom in the world that has psycho Mommy moments.

So….I apologize for the dishonesty by omission aspect to my journal, to my email discussion lists, even to my Park Day discussions.  If by writing this, if one other Mom realizes that she is not alone…that darkness happens in all households, even the most sophisticated ones, then this entry has worth. It isn’t all magical, mindful moments, sometimes it is frustration and anger and sheer incompetence…sometimes it is hopelessness…..sometimes it is lazy….sometimes it is confusion….sometimes it is impatience…but it is always real, and it is always part of the journey. Yes, even the unschooling journey.

I have read some powerful advice in blogs and on lists about dealing with a raging child…. how to sit with that child and help him feel safe, how to let that child know that he is valuable no matter how messed up he feels at the moment, that he is loved regardless his rage and he will not be left alone, that he will not be judged in the face of his tornado. That he is O.K.  Adversely, I have not seen the same level of compassion and support extended to Mom’s who are courageous enough to post their dark moments. Perhaps if we treat each other with the same respect and freedom we advise with our children, it will open the door to more honesty within these formats.

We must learn from our children who feel and articulate freely despite the audience, that emotions are a real part of life, that they sometimes come without obvious cause or warning and we need not be ashamed of them or omit them from our records. We have learned to take our children seriously, it is time we start taking each other seriously. We must give each other the same safety net we give our children, the same patience, love and acceptance, even in our dark moments. When that happens, we will have truly defined unschooling.


"Knowing is the easy part, saying it out loud is the hard part. "  --Robert Redford, from the movie, the Horse Whisperer

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Retta's days

Retta washed and re-painted her art wall and titled the piece, Hurricane Katrina. I think it speaks for itself.

She also adopted a pet butterfly 3 days ago. She found it on the grass, dead. She named it Tetter-Totter. She said she likes it better dead than alive because it is not so wiggly. She takes it everywhere. She carries it in the little medicine cup. 

She has given it two baths, the first one in the bathroom sink. Then she sat it on her bed as she performed a long dance routine, Tetter-Totter being her only audience member. She named the dance, "Wings Floating in the Sky."

 She insisted that TT sleep with her. There she was all tucked in, sound asleep with her little dead butterfly next to her.

The following morning TT got another bath, this time in a little doll bathtub. His wings fell off, so now TT is just a pretty little yellow butterfly body. He still goes everywhere she does, riding in the little medicine cup.

She has also adopted a imaginary friend. His name is Nells. She says he looks just like Nells Olsen on Little House and Prairie. She is quite mean to him, always giving him orders and telling him he is stupid. She frequently stomps her feet in frustration and when asked what is wrong she say that Nells is making her crazy because he won't follow her orders. She called the police today and had him arrested for making a lopsided circle. I always tell her I am glad I am the Mom and she is the child this time around.

Just a slice of Retta's world...hurricanes exploding on her wall...wingless butterfly pets...and uncooperative, incompetent imaginary friends...all with the magic of childhood busting from the seams of her soul.

                      Child_drawing.gif - (5K)                     Butterfly_6.gif - (7K)


Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Hidden Dragon

This is a live, eye witness account. The Hidden Dragon has been spotted in the Northeastern United States.

Stay tuned for frequent updates...up next, live from the Coleman Unschooling Academy we will be speaking to Dragon expert, Elwood Coleman, who claims he frequently sees the dragon at this location between the hours of 1-5am.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dear God, Help Me

We woke up this morning to find that the baby spiderlings crawled out of the egg sac. They were busy making webs last night. I don't think I can take it. This is taking Homeschool Science to an obsene level!!!!!

Someone Please Help!!! They are all over the house.............

(Tee Hee)

Thursday, October 6, 2005



We have been in a planning mode. We are planning some projects and timelines, gift making for the holidays, and writing our wish lists. Wishing for toys, clothes, office supplies, games, computer stuff, and special projects we want to complete and places we want to visit.

Musa has decided that he wants to learn how to write cursive and spell better, so we have been discussing how he wants to go about reaching his goal. He has discovered that he doesn't do well without some structure and activities so asked me to help him set up a system. He is also interested in writing some short stories and someday a novel, so has started a "sentence-a-day" story. He adds one sentence each day.

He also wants to learn multipication and fractions, so we designed some lessons and got some fun books from the library to help the process along.

Retta has decided she wants to learn how to make better circles and how to make better F's. She LOVES any kind of workseet and asked if I would give her one a day and help her learn how to spell.

We are all feeling good about our decisions and love the flexibilty we have to try different methods to help reach our goals.



We watched a movie this afternoon, titled, "5 Children and It." It was a grand adventure, set during World War I, involved 5 charming children and a delightful sand fairy. Retta smiled large at the end and said it was a very happy movie.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Pinwheels for Peace

This is our first Roots and Shoots project as an individual family. We intended to do this on the International Day of Peace as did many people across the world, but instead we finished it up today.

Check out the story and see how Pinwheels for Peace got started.

The kids wanted to write words all over their pinwheels that made them happy or made them feel peaceful inside.



The words Musa chose are:

birds   laughter   food   no more war   houses   respect   protection   kindness   smiles   happy

The words Retta chose are:

grass   music   quiet   toys   sunny   happy   peaches   houses   America   flowers   kind

We planted them on our hill overlooking the street. Musa felt the words could fly farther that way and touch more people.




Saturday, October 1, 2005

Cool weather

It only reached 71 degrees yesterday. Hoorah! We celebrated by a trip to the park. It was almost cool in the shade. What a welcome change. Unfortunately, the temps are heading back up this week. Thank goodness it is at least cooling off at night. We have to put socks on, the floors are so cold. We are so excited for winter this year. We have great plans to have lots of fires, lots of snuggles and grand projects.

We also received our Project Feeder Watch packet in the mail. We are excited to actually be involved in the bird count. We stopped at our local nursery and used our reward certificates from summer garden purchases to buy more bird feed and supplies. What fun to to get new things and not have to hand over any cash. Although we could spend our dollars at Wall Mart or similar less expensive places we feel good about supporting our local nursery and we have found their knowledge and quality plants to be worth a few extra cents.

We have downloaded some plans to make our own weather station and plan to work on them next week. We have all decided to purchase a water barometer as we all have a fascination with them. Now we just have to agree on which one we want. We may need to draw straws. What is your vote?

1. La Crosse  WeatherBall-Rain and Sun-910-100 with Free Weather Calendar-2006 - Click to enlarge      2.  Weather Glass Barometer (Wall)-WB01 with Free Weather Calendar-2006 - Click to enlarge        3. Authentic Model's Venetian Weather Glass-WG019 with Free Weather Calendar-2006 - Click to enlarge