Saturday, April 21, 2007

April Projects

Although their has been a lack of entries, there crtainly has not been a lack of projects, fun and creativity at our house. My latest round of medical problems seems to be coming to a positive end and we should be out and about a bit more in the near future.

The thing I love about this video is that it really portrays the way Retta totally emerses herself in whatever she may be doing at the time. She frequently asks me the question, "Could I do this if I were in school?".....I am sure there are many people that would love to argue the benefits of this sort of freedom and I struggle with a way that I can put it into words that make the doubters understand. Maybe it is just something that a mother can see into the soul of her child, the need to explore the world at ones own pace and style. Maybe all kids don't need this space and freedom....I don't know....I just know that this child would be strangulated by "school"...and is thriving, growing and her own way, her own time, and own style. I see into her soul and see one of confidence, strength, happiness and love.

remember, click both green arrows to play video

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just about the most wonderful thing. Loretta the little punk rocker with yellow hair. It looks so funny!