We have been enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures. The thermometer on the barn read 71 degrees yesterday. Simply amazing for this time of year. A little cooler today but still warm. Because of this we have enjoyed two days of outdoor activities.
Yesterday we needed to drop off our wooden bluebird houses we made to place in a local park. We decided to stop by the park on the way home and ended up staying for several hours. Musa had his bike in the truck so he had a blast riding the trails. Retta discovered the sand....need I say more. She found a few bugs which she carefully set free.
Today it was just fun around the yard. We actually dug in the garden a bit...at least it felt like spring. Musa mastered his bike ramp. When we came in Musa worked on his spelling project. He has decided he wants to be able to spell. He reads very well but has trouble putting words on paper. I encouraged him and told him it would be much easier now that he is older. He proved me right and it has really boosted his self confidence. Retta has been working on an on-going project of dragging a 15 foot tree branch, tied up with a rope around the yard. It takes all of her strength to pull this thing. We have found it tied to various things around the yard.
Retta is teaching herself how to read and spell. I asked her one day if she wanted any help and she politely declined, "I think I can handle it." She frequently asks me how to spell words or what sound a certain letter makes. The other day she wrote the letters, O-L-E-N, and turned the O into a colorful alien looking creature. She the presented it to me and said, "See I don't need help, this is how you spell alien!"
We wound down the day under our new down blankets, snuggled into cozy beds. When I woke up Musa was hammering in the garage and muttering something about duc tape, a flashlight and his bicycle. He cooked himself dinner. Retta had popcorn for dinner and I had a Chai latte. Don't know what diet that would be called but it all tasted good in the cool of the evening.
Musa turned in early, tired from all the bike ramping. Retta has been playing with clay, playing with her Kids of Catan game. She watched Little House on the Prairie and is nowtying her shoes around her ankles and trying to walk. Hmm....
A peaceful, non-hurried, calm and loving day. I must be the luckiest woman on the face of the Earth!