Saturday, November 5, 2005

Super Heroes, Stickbugs and other large treasures

Loretta came to me out of breath and in a hurry, "Please Mom can I have a piece of fabric, I need it quick." I let her look thru some piles, she found what she wanted took the scissors and cut it in a few places and hurriedly left. I came upstairs a few minutes later and saw her creation...Super Dad. She even made a super hero watch for him. It is always good to have a super hero nearby.

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I noticed Retta playing on the sidewalk this morning. She had made herself a hop skotch. Notice the 1-100 number chart on the sidewalk. More examples of John Holt's theories in action. Love it!!!


Retta remains convinced there is a dragon living in the woods. She swears she saw him again today and begged Dad or I to please come with her to find the dreaded thing. We put her off for a bit, so she bribed Musa. After a short expedition the dragon slayers returned empty handed. It is good to have a big brother.

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Musa and I sat on the deck this afternoon and played Skip-Bo. I WON! YIPPEE! psst....don't tell Musa but I cheated....I was sooo bored, the game had gone on for 1.5 hours...I am not kidding...we needed an end!!! Skip-bo is much more fun with more players.

This evening I walked into the kitchen to find Retta watching Rachael Ray's 30 Minute Meals. Rachael was making soup and so was Retta. Retta did a slight variation of the recipe, she added egg shells and ginger and nutmeg. Ummmm, comfort food.

We went for a nighttime bug hunt with flashlights. We found three daddy longlegs, a cricket, a small fly and one moth. Retta was very brave and checked the barn for monsters. She didn't find any but did hear some strange scratching.



                       Another Saturday at the Coleman's.   


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a very interesting weekend ! Mom you should send the Rachel Ray clone pick to food network. Anna