Monday, November 14, 2005

Computer Science

I was just headed upstairs and yelled down to Retta, "Could you check the weather on the computer?" (She knows how to click the cloud on the newspage and read the weather symbols)

When I came back she said, "Mom, it is just supposed to be cloudy, no rain. I hate all the clicking you have to do to get to the weather page so I bookmarked to your toolbar, I used the hat icon. I copied and pasted it into Word, so you can print it if you want."

Sure as sh__. She did as excatly as she said. Retta will be 5 on Thanksgiving day. She has always been unschooled. I have NOT taught her these things.

Natural learning does take place.

Yes, it may work differently for different kids, they may learn in different ways and at different ages, but when they learn naturally......they really learn, instead of learning to please someone's elses agenda.


Anonymous said...

I must say my jaw dropped. Retta, you are know more then I do I think !! Nanny

Anonymous said...

Well I must say loretta you always amaze me with how smart you are!
Love you lots!!