Saturday, October 1, 2005

Cool weather

It only reached 71 degrees yesterday. Hoorah! We celebrated by a trip to the park. It was almost cool in the shade. What a welcome change. Unfortunately, the temps are heading back up this week. Thank goodness it is at least cooling off at night. We have to put socks on, the floors are so cold. We are so excited for winter this year. We have great plans to have lots of fires, lots of snuggles and grand projects.

We also received our Project Feeder Watch packet in the mail. We are excited to actually be involved in the bird count. We stopped at our local nursery and used our reward certificates from summer garden purchases to buy more bird feed and supplies. What fun to to get new things and not have to hand over any cash. Although we could spend our dollars at Wall Mart or similar less expensive places we feel good about supporting our local nursery and we have found their knowledge and quality plants to be worth a few extra cents.

We have downloaded some plans to make our own weather station and plan to work on them next week. We have all decided to purchase a water barometer as we all have a fascination with them. Now we just have to agree on which one we want. We may need to draw straws. What is your vote?

1. La Crosse  WeatherBall-Rain and Sun-910-100 with Free Weather Calendar-2006 - Click to enlarge      2.  Weather Glass Barometer (Wall)-WB01 with Free Weather Calendar-2006 - Click to enlarge        3. Authentic Model's Venetian Weather Glass-WG019 with Free Weather Calendar-2006 - Click to enlarge


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