Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Okay, I am trying to be good about this weather, but.....I HATE IT. I am not handling it this summer. It is gross. On top of that I have some sort of throat infection and have been running a 102-103 temperature.I can hardly swallow water. It is not pleasant. For all I know I have malaria or lymes because the abundance of bugs. I have never seen so many freakin' bugs.  What's gonna get you first when you step out the door..the wall of humidity...the wall of mosquitoes, or the toads. So many toads. Clearly, they are loving the buffet of bugs, and hopefully their abodes.  

Retta is not feeling well either. We have watched more movies in the last couple days than should be legally allowed. See...the temps are getting to me...I am an unschooler and I am talking should's and shouldn't's.

Back to bed for now, with my bowl if ice cubes.....I will be back in the swing of things soon, or I will catch a fast plane to Alaska!!! 

                          Fire_sun.gif - (9K)


Anonymous said...

Hope both you and Retta feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

we love you all get well soon !