Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sad Day



 My husband and I heard a very loud THUMP against our front window today. I thought it must have been a bird, but when I first looked around I didn't see anything. Then, out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something in the middle of the yard.

It was my favorite Red-Bellied WoodPecker. He was breathing, but literally gasping for breath. I picked him up and just cried as he finally quit breathing. I felt so helpless. It took me back to all the people I assisted as a hospice nurse. I always felt like I made a difference, but this time all I could do was watch my little friend die.

I have watched this bird on my feeder for months. I always commented that he was my favorite. Used to love to watch him gulp down that berry suet. He was always very shy but in the last few weeks he would visit the feeder when I was standing within feet of him. I had recently started talking to him and he would make eye contact with me. Ahhh, I just hate that this happened to him. Poor baby.

I just feel so bad. Damn window.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that his happend. I find that be it humans, animals, or whatever, the feeling of loss is never easy to deal with. Especially is this so when a fond attachment has occured.

Just wanted you to know that I hear you and understand how you feel.

Anonymous said...

grandma that is really sad it makes me cry and won't mommy miss him ?