Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Cowboys and Sacred Sites

Yesterday was like a warm spring day. Our thermometer on the barn said 73 degrees. We spent the entire day outside.

Retta wanted to work in her archaeology dig. She got all of her supplies and tools set up and went to work. She was busy cleaning rocks, sifting soil and taking soil samples when she came to me and said, "I need a red sack, so people won't step on my digging place." I wasn't sure what she was talking about and I told her I wasn't sure if I could find a red sack. I asked her how a red sack could help. She told me, "Thats what the grown up archaeologists use, it said that in my magazine."  She went running in to get the magazine and show me. She frantically looked through the magazine and could not find what she was looking for, and became frustrated for a moment,  then ran and got a pencil and paper. She busily wrote this down and handed it to me...S A C  R E D. "See mommy it says RED SAC. 

We looked together through the magazine and there was a picture of a roped off dig site, and in the description there was word SACRED. I was amazed, overjoyed, happy, humbled, but mostly just so grateful that I get to watch the kids learn this way.

We quickly went to work a built a roped off area and we are making a big sign out of a red painted grocery sack that says SACRED, and we will post it at her dig. She is very happy that she will have her RED SAC like the grown-ups.

Musa took the left over rope and walked around with it for awhile and asked me if I knew how to make a lasso. I really didn't but we messed around with it for a bit and came up with something that resembled a lasso. He then pounded a stake into the ground and went to work trying to lasso the stake. Shortly thereafter he asked me if he could use a couple trellises from the garden. He turned them on their side and hammered them into the ground. He called it his corral, and lo and behold it did seem to improve his lasso skills. He spent much of the afternoon competing against himself and trying to set records. He told me he is really impressed with cowboys that can hit a moving target.

Around 3pm he checked the mail and his new Spiderman PS2 game had arrived and he busily climbed buildings and fought the bad guys until late last night. I am so happy for him. He has always dreamed of being Spiderman and now he gets to live his dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Each time that I come to your journal I love it more and more. These adventures are priceless. Thank you so much for sharing this experience.