Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Field Trip and Kitty

We started the day with a field trip to Safeway. The kids got a general tour and got to see the behind the scenes action. It was pretty generic and not real exciting for Musa but I think Retta liked it. She got to hold hands with her best friend Mary, so that made it all worthwhile. It was good to see friends.

So I don't know a think about cats.......I spent 76.00 dollars at the vet today to find out the kitty is not pregnant. Not anymore at least. The Vet says she has already had kittens and probably weaned them. The "lumps" we were feeling were her mammary glands swollen as she tries to dry up. She could tell by the size of her uterus that she probably had the kittens 8 weeks ago and just walked away from them..if they survived. She estimates her at approximately 1 year old. She looks so much younger than that to me. So...I will talk to Anna and see if she still wants to take her. If not..I don't know. I already have 2 cats and two HUGE puppies, don't think I can take one more animal to clean up after. Oh well...the learning continues.  

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