Friday, June 8, 2007

The Videos

The following series of videos took place a few mornings ago when Retta asked me to listen to a song from the Backgardians CD  she had checked out from the library. The next thing you know the house erupted in music and dance. We had planned to do a tree identification walk around our yard, the music happened instead. I should know better...unschoolers planning something!!! Well, in all seriousness we do quite often complete our plans, we even attend scheduled activities and clubs....and believe it or not we own an alarm clock and we do know how to get up early and go somewhere. We might not choose to do that very often but we are just as capable of others when the need or choice presents itself. This always seems to be a very misunderstood part of unschooling.

Following these videos I noticed throughout the day that the rhythm bug held the kids hostage. Silverware was drummed at dinner, screwdrivers and rocks were banged on outside...anything and everything that could be turned into an instrument became one.

During rest time Reta lulled me into a deep relaxation with the beautiful notes of our Kalimba.

A musical, silly, whimsical, unplanned day. Perfection.

The Band

Rocker Musa

Rock and Roll Retta

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Please, don't get bored with all of our bird posts. Summer will come and things will calm down.....spring is just such an exciting bursting forth from every corner of the yard.

We do have two bluebird eggs in the nesting box. YAY! The Mama and Papa are very diligent about watching their nest and I am sure we will have babies.

We also have some very cool.....very exciting bird news from another corner of our world, and two new members of the nature family... "Crazy" and "Jumpy Wumpy."  I will post more details and pictures tomorow.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


We have tried for two years to attract a pair of Eastern Bluebirds to one of our handmade nest boxes. Last year a pair did move in, but unfortunately became engaged in a  bloody territorial dispute with the Black Capped Chickadees. The bluebirds eventually won and built their nest and laid two eggs. Sadly, the next check of the nest revealed an empty nest and no adult bluebirds to be found. The box sat empty the remainder of the season and we did not see any more bluebirds. We were never really sure just what had happened. In our other two nesting boxes we had successful hatchlings of the Downy Woodpeckers and more Chickadees.

This year we were so excited to see a pair of Eastern Bluebirds back in our yard. We used several water fountains and berry bushes around the yard to attract them and it seemed to pay off. You can imagine how ecstatic we were when we saw them taking turns going into the box with nesting materials. After a few weeks we checked the box and we found a well designed nest of moss and grasses and within another few weeks we had three beautiful Eastern Bluebird eggs.  Everyday we would see the Mom and Dad going in and out of the nest tending to their new family.

We began to notice that the male had become VERY territorial and would really put up a fuss if any other bird came near.  One day it appeared to be a re-enactment of a bombing raid as both the bluebirds chased away several wandering squirrels. These bluebirds were SERIOUS...they would dive from the sky and actually peck at the squirrels. They proceeded this action for about 20 minutes until the squirrels retreated into the woods. We figured the eggs had hatched and checked the box that evening to find three very new little hatchlings. Over the next week or so we observed the bluebird parents happily flying in and out of the nest box and frequently noticed Papa sitting on top of the nest box keeping guard.

We were so happy that things were going along so nicely. We checked our other two nesting boxes and one remained empty and one had at least five, maybe six Black Capped Chickadee hatchlings, which were a little older than the bluebirds (see picture) and had developing feathers.

Then one morning we woke up, looked out the window and Musa noticed that the bluebirds nesting box door was open and the nest was gone. The male bluebird was perched on a pole nearby just screeching. We all went running down the hill hoping to find and/or save the babies. The nest was face down on the ground directly below the nesting babies anywhere to be found. For most of the day we listened to the screeches of the grieving birds. This I now know is true....all living things grieve. No question.

We researched the most probable predators and what could have occurred.  We did have several big loud, Blue Jays in the yard a few days before this happened and we did see them once take a swipe at Papa as he sat on top of the nesting box. He held his own and it appeared they moved on. There are big crows around the area but they seldom venture into the yard. We have seen a ferrel cat from time to time. Raccoons? Snakes? Last but not least...the squirrels. We checked the front door of the nesting box and although it was tight and hard to open when made, it has loosened over time, so it easily swayed opened. Perhaps, we thought another bird had entered the nest, a fight broke out and they fell against the door. But...where were the babies.

So many possibilities and so much sadness. Retta was mortified. She cried much of the day. Then to make matters worse, (I had just cleaned my big window in my living room) as we walked up the sidewalk we watched a large Brown Thrasher smash into to window and fall to the ground. (I will  now always use window decals, or...perhaps never wash my windows.) He died instantly. I didn't know if Retta would recover. As we shrouded him for the funeral and started walking to the woods, there lay one of the baby bluebirds, also dead. We shrouded the baby also. For several days Mama and Papa hung around the box and the we didn't see them again.

We talked at length about the circle of life, the balancing act of nature and that although we see nature largely as a beautiful gift of serenity and peace, their is a component of violence that exists. We decided that we would probably never know what happened to the baby bluebirds, but we did clean out the box and secured the door on both boxes.

The day after this happened, we watched a squirrel climb to the top of the empty nesting box and pee all over the roof. Hmmmm...was this the evidence that the squirrel was the predator?

The same evening a new pair of Eastern Bluebirds appeared, (I knew it was a different pair because the female was much duller in color than the original couple). They hung around the yard a few days, we did see them entering and exiting the box, but when checked a few days later, there was no sign of a nest.

Today it happened, they are busily building a nest. Once the male had a large twig that he could not fit through the hole of the box. He tried several attempts and finally landed on top of the box and started pounding the twig on the box until he broke it into small enough pieces he could get through the door. So cool. we go again. Keep your fingers crossed and we will keep posting.




Thursday, April 26, 2007

Casting calls

"What's it like to have a cast?"

"Are they heavy?"

"Do they itch?'

"Does it hurt to have a broken bone?"

Nothing like real time experience to answer questions. We just happened to have some casting materials---so I went to work giving each one of the kids an experience with an "almost" real cast. The only reason it was "almost" I made them lighter, with less layers so I would be able to remove them without a cast saw.

We used old socks for the liners and went to work. Within the first half hour I was getting complaints.

"It itches"

"It is heavy"

"It is cold"

"It itches...get it off!!!!!!!

They both wanted them removed within an hour. We were not unable to answer the pain question, but they both agreed that having a cast is not as "cool" as it looks.

I would not recommend this experiment unless you have had some experience with casting or at least use just a few layers because they can be a bit tricky to get off. I could only imagine the looks you would get at the local Er's....asking for a cast removal.


Sunday, April 22, 2007


Thanks to a very timely post from one of the homeschooling lists, I borrow this quote...

Mr. Dewey said what I was attempting to say yesterday, gosh I wish I had his elegance of voice.....


"...the very process of living together educates. It enlarges and enlightens experience; it stimulates and enriches imagination; it creates responsibility for accuracy and vividness of statement and thought."

~John Dewey
"Democracy and Education", p.6




Saturday, April 21, 2007

April Projects

Although their has been a lack of entries, there crtainly has not been a lack of projects, fun and creativity at our house. My latest round of medical problems seems to be coming to a positive end and we should be out and about a bit more in the near future.

The thing I love about this video is that it really portrays the way Retta totally emerses herself in whatever she may be doing at the time. She frequently asks me the question, "Could I do this if I were in school?".....I am sure there are many people that would love to argue the benefits of this sort of freedom and I struggle with a way that I can put it into words that make the doubters understand. Maybe it is just something that a mother can see into the soul of her child, the need to explore the world at ones own pace and style. Maybe all kids don't need this space and freedom....I don't know....I just know that this child would be strangulated by "school"...and is thriving, growing and her own way, her own time, and own style. I see into her soul and see one of confidence, strength, happiness and love.

remember, click both green arrows to play video

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Friday, March 16, 2007

March Happenings

We played outside yesterday morning and then had a few errands to run. It was a VERY warm day, 81 degrees at about 3 pm as we arrived back home. We nestled in for a little rest and when we emerged, about was 40 degrees. Does that mean Spring sprung a leak?

Prior to the dip back into winter we noticed many signs of spring in the yard. We saw a butterfly, two bees, spiders, a ladybug and the crocus and daffodils blooming. The Eastern Bluebirds are nesting in their houses again and for the first time in our yard we were visited by a huge female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. We were so excited. We have now been visited by all of the Maryland woodpeckers. !!!

We had a yard scavenger hunt and the kids were able to locate all the items the pictures show. It was lots of fun and laughs. I challenge anyone to make a bird nest. I am tellin' ya...these birds make it easy. I think I could do it if I had wire and about 30 days! It was a real eye opener for the kids, that with just a beak and two feet, birds are that clever and skilled.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February Happenings #2

....well we almost made it to the gym today, but I finally had to say no and possibly error on the side of caution, but I just didn't feel like Retta was really up to it. I guess all the cool new gym stuff will just continue to lay in the back of the truck taunting us....Retta is a little better..but is a slow we have our eyes set on a Chinese New Years celebration with friends on Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed.

Several weeks ago Musa and Retta spent the whole day playing Army. They even requested to eat "beans or some other gross Army food" I served beans and stale bread, which they ate, huddled up in the tower, keeping a look out for the enemy. This was the most cooperative game they have plyed together in ages. Go figure...a war game causing cooperation. Childhood is sooooo interesting.

I did feel very protected, with the Army and all...

Monday, February 19, 2007

February Happenings

Although little has been documented on a daily basis, we have been very busy involving ourselves in a potpourri of activities, observations and challenges and even a birthday celebration. We have played and read and watched new movies....mostly indoor activities as the cold wind has even prooven to be too much for my Montana bones. We made it to the indoor gym at Somers Rec Center in LaPlata one Tuesday, even went and bought all sorts of neat balls and then find ourselves not being able to attend the last two Tuesdays. Retta is sick with a bronchial virus...a nasty it looks like tomorrow the new equipment will once again lay in the back of the truck. Drats!

Musa had a great birthday (according to him). He opened his presents here with the family and then we met Anna and Tyrus for dinner. Anna passed on her Culinary Arts textbook to Musa and he was thrilled (once he had time to calm down and sit and look at it). He has also joined an On-line cooking club. We are anxiously waiting for our materials to come in the mail so we can officially get started. With all of our yummy organic produce we have delivered every week from doortodoororganics, we are hoping to come up with some yummy creations.

He was  also thrilled to get a yoga tape for kids (from Aunt Carla) and has already tried it once. He got a digital camera and had fun with it on the way to dinner! He was also officially accepted into the School of Dragonology...he received the coursebook, tracking guide, model of a dragon, the book Eragon (so proud of the young author) and the Eragon PC game. There were all sorts of other neat gifts, cards and emails from all the people in his life who love and care for him.

To be continued.....

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Cell phone minutes and dress up day

What a silly day this was. I had just come home from the hospital and was lying in my bed trying to escape the negative energies that suround hospitals. We were all sort of coming down from a long period of stress, worry and sensory overload. Retta is very into her "Groovy Girl" collection and we were lying on my bed playing with the dolls and re-connecting. Suddenly, the bed quilt became an ice cave and the Groovy Girls were trapped. Retta tried to call for help but....because they are so very groovy....the girls had used up all of their cell minutes. How does a girl call for help without a cell phone????

Soon we were screeching from the room, "Help, Help we need cell minutes, or fire trucks or something...the girls are trapped."

The next thing I know, Anna (my dear sweet angel of a dtr who stayed and nutured Musa and Retta, while I was away)....came running into the room , dressed in layers from Retta's dress up trunk.....yelling...."Help my babies are trapped."

We laughed and laughed...that deep soul resounding laugh that heals loved ones in ways words don't describe. It heals deeper than prayer, deeper than spritual is pure joyful release....amongst those that you love and trust.

So...although this might not mean a thing to many of you out there...I wanted to save the moment...freeze frame history and be able to look back in the coming years and remember what a ride this life has been. (and I had to show off Anna's headgear...which is actually an old pair of silk MC Hammer pants!)

Remember, clik on both green arrows to play video.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My the wind is HOWLING tonight. The nurture nests just can't get warm enough...even with a roaring fire.  Retta has cold feet. Send warm thoughts.

Cocoa, tea, down blankets, fleece, fire, socks, gloves, warm sunny

Positive energy and change

Things are getting back to normal in the family. We have spent the last week re-connecting, lounging in nurture nests, laughing, crying, telling stories and just returning to the healing silence that is so important in our lives. Of course, the healing restful slience is interspursed with periods of crazy chasing, dancing, boondoogle work-outs and always for Retta...hanging upside down to make the world look normal.

We enjoyed our little least we have had one day of use for all the snow clothing and playthings that Santa delivered this year. I just made a warm fire as I can hear the wind beginning to howl and the sky looks a bit precarious. I hope we are not in for a bout of freezing rain. Ahh, well...a cup of warm ginger tea, the fire, and the love that permeates the house should warm us up nicely.

Musa has been working on his journal to calm his anxieties and has encorporated coloring mandelas. It seems to help. He is continuing his quest to read all of the Harry Potter books. He spends a lot of time with his dog Cooper. I think they really understand each other. Musa has also been expressing a great deal of interest in cooking and has decided to join a on-line cooking club. We also had a long discussion today about medicinal herbs and culinary herbs and he was very interested. We are talking of ways we can expand and "better" our natural vegetable and herb garden.

Retta busied herself with making lists of words in a old day planner I found. She also wanted to "learn everything I can about spiders, because I know everything about ants." I found an old workbook type thing (she LOVES worksheets) about spiders, so she went straight to work doing crossword puzzles and then onto drawing spiders.

I have received some wonderful recommendations for natural healing practitioners and am excited to get to work. I am also getting a little crazy looking at seeds. We are even thinking of terracing one of our hills to expand our growing space. Chickens? I am leaning that direction again.

Life is so full of wonderment. Makes me get a little weepy sometimes. As you have probably ascertained we are postponing our move to Idaho for a bit. I need healing time and the housing market could heal a little also.

So onward we go........


science, art, animal husbantry, lierature, psychology, cooking, writing, spelling



Monday, January 22, 2007


I am just home from the hospital and slowly starting back into the routine of things. The kids did very well in lieu of my absence and are just spending a lot of cuddle and quiet time.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jeff Corwin

We treated ourselves to VIP tickets to meet Jeff Corwin, in November. This was held at the Baltimore Aquarium...I am sure many of you recognize the backdrop.

Jeff talked for about an hour, told stories of his many adventures, many of which were quiet humorous and he then wound down with some thoughts on conservation, his love of the Earth and family. We even learned he has a very FAT and lazy cat.

After the show the VIP folks (us!) were able to attend a book signing and reception. I thought Retta would faint when we saw him. (he is much more handsome in person) We each got his autograph on our neck badges.

Retta mustered up the courage to touch a snake, but Musa got up close and personal! It was very cool...something I think he will never forget.


science, social studies, history (story-telling) language arts, social skills, art


Archives Explanation

I want to make one final apology for the recent confusion of this blog. As looking over the archives section, it appears that there are large blocks of time that are missing (when using the calendar)...I am sure this is because of the starting and stopping with this blog and by re-titling. If interested in any old entries it works best to scroll to the bottom of the page and click where it says.."Archives".....on that page, by-pass the calendar and go to the "First entry in the journal."  The hit counter is also wrong, it reset when I re-started the journal. The last counter was 3,456, when the blog was moved.

 Hope this clears up any confusion.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Click the green arrows to play.