Nothing like a good laugh when I opened my inbox today. Thank goodness for good friends!!
Yes, that is a picture of me, with my morning coffee.
Nothing like a good laugh when I opened my inbox today. Thank goodness for good friends!!
Yes, that is a picture of me, with my morning coffee.
Retta, the little artist, wants to be painting at least 3 hours a day. I support her need and make sure she always has the materials and time she needs.
Of late, if left alone, she starts painting her body. Great projects have been ending in frustration. I finally covered the living room in paper, poured different colored paint on a cookie sheet, and let her step in it and walk over the paper. Aren't I a genius? This would certainly take care of her need to paint herself.
Then, I looked over and Retta was standing in the cookie sheet painting the tops of her feet and starting up her legs. So much for my genius abilities!!
I just needed to LISTEN.
So off we went, up the stairs, half-painted child and cookie sheet and into the tub she went. Go for it!
You should have heard the glee. She spent a long time on the hair. As we washed the paint down the drain, she was ecstatic. "Look at all the colors, look at all the colors."
Does anyone see body art in Retta's future?
Musa's very first, completely independent, homemade cookies. He even used the oven independently. No help from Mom.
Chocolate chip peanut butter.
What a guy.
My husband and I heard a very loud THUMP against our front window today. I thought it must have been a bird, but when I first looked around I didn't see anything. Then, out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something in the middle of the yard.
It was my favorite Red-Bellied WoodPecker. He was breathing, but literally gasping for breath. I picked him up and just cried as he finally quit breathing. I felt so helpless. It took me back to all the people I assisted as a hospice nurse. I always felt like I made a difference, but this time all I could do was watch my little friend die.
I have watched this bird on my feeder for months. I always commented that he was my favorite. Used to love to watch him gulp down that berry suet. He was always very shy but in the last few weeks he would visit the feeder when I was standing within feet of him. I had recently started talking to him and he would make eye contact with me. Ahhh, I just hate that this happened to him. Poor baby.
I just feel so bad. Damn window.
We have been doing some reading about scuba diving and coral reefs. It is amazing with a little immagination what you can discover at the bottom of a backyard pool.
Retta has been practicing her sychronized swim act. She is just lacking a partner. Musa is to busy breaking records for how many somersaults one can turn in the water with one breath. There is also the occasional shark that he must fend off, so no time to help Retta with her act.
Hmmm..I guess this fits under the subjects of science, math, PE.
Little Retta has had an unusually long and extremely close relationship with her Binkies. I am not one to make decisions for my children when they should give something up...I am a firm believer until I am able to completely give up all my neurotic, false security inducing instruments and habits..I have no right to ask my children to give up theirs. It is always their choice.
I did ask her recently if she was going to keep the binkies forever and she firmly stated, YES. I let it go. Then she started bringing it up....saying she would give them up when she was five. Then, she asked Musa how he dumped his when he was little. He told her the story of how he had given them to the baby bunnies in the woods. (He really did lay them all in the woods one night and lo and behold the next morning they were gone!) He was so proud he had helped the sad little, binkieless bunnies.
She thought for a spell and decided she didn't like that idea. I mentioned we could have a special campfire ceremony and she jumped on the idea. She choose the night and the ceremony was planned. I figured she would back out at the last moment, but she surprised me.
The campfire was lit in the middle of the yard. When it got to burning bright and it started getting dark the magic began. Envision if you will the tank scene from the movie Finding Nemo---drums beating, tiki masks and the spiritual sounding chant of WOO-HA-HA-HA, WOO-HA-HA-HA. Now, throw in a dance around the campfire..a hop on one foot, then a hop on the other, now a little kick, chanting loudly. Several circles around the campfire..all the family members.....then, suddenly, I grab, Retta from behind, fill her little cupped hands with all of the binkies and say with all seriousness ( in my best Tiki voice)...Little have the power to make the moon bighter and to bring the stars out. Throw your binkies into the fire and the spirit of the binkies will leave this Earth and encircle the moon and stars. The Moon will shine brighter because of you and you will N-E-V-E-R have trouble sleeping again. When you are ready LittleWonkaHonkaBinkieLover...THROW!!
At which point with the seriousness of the universe on her shoulders, she threw every last one of the binkies into the fire. "Look Mom, they are melting." And then her eyes turned upward and she saw the moon, "Mom, LOOK IT IS SO MUCH BRIGHTER, and it is waving at me!!!" Then, as if by magic the stars started poping out, one by one, twinkling and waving at Retta. It was a magical night. She has easily fallen asleep the last four nights without any signs of binkie withdrawl.
It worked so beautifully for her....that some night if you drive by my house and you see me dancing and chanting and chucking donuts into the fire, you will understand what I am doing.
If you get a chance...check out the moon...doesn't it look a little brighter?
The Iris are all blooming around the side of my house. Every I see them I am reminded of that little house in Boise. Any one else share this memory?
Received a royalty payment… rights to India.
Oh happy day,
Oh happy day,
Oh happy day
Oh happy day!
Love that little book of mine.
Late entry for 6-3-05
Retta came running, “It’s a butterfly, Its’ a butterfly!”
Her moth finally broke out of its’ cocoon. It was beautiful, when it spread its’ wings. There was a bright, beautiful, orange pattern.
We all went outside and let him go. As he flew up to the trees, Retta had a proud smile from ear to ear.
A moment to treasure. Treasured more because sister Shirah was here to be a part of it.
If Retta doesn’t do some type of art each day she gets very cranky. She chose sand painting and Musa and I decided to join in and have some fun. We downloaded some mandalas and colored them with sand. There are so many fabulous sites, with some amazing designs. Musa decided that he did find it very calming to color these. We talked about mindfulness and how this exercise helps achieve it. Musa said he finally understood and would like to do more in the future.
Retta says that the more glue the better. Here picture weighed about 3 pounds when done! I have noticed with her art that it is the mixing of colors or substances that she enjoys. The more textures and colors the better. It seems to be very calming for her soul.
While looking for free mandalas to print we came across some Navajo sand paintings. They are so amazing. Musa was very inspired.
Retta says that the more glue the better. Here picture weighed about 3 pounds when done! I have noticed with her art that it is the mixing of colors or substances that she enjoys. The more textures and colors the better. It seems to be very calming for her soul. While looking for free mandalas to print we came across some Navajo sand paintings. They are so amazing. Musa was very inspired. Some examples: